KAH and the Kylie and Cricket Memorial Fund help Phoebe the Chihuahua!
Thanks to all the generous donations to the Kylie and Cricket Memorial Fund, we have been able to help another homeless animal!


Ready for my dental!
Kingsbrook Animal Hospital contacted Frederick County Animal Control who introduced us to Phoebe. Phoebe is a female Chihuahua that was desperately in need of a dental cleaning, digital dental x-rays, and extractions. She is around 5-6 years of age and is a very sweet girl who is still in search for her forever home.

Dr. Davis and his new friend, Phoebe.
Dr. Davis began with a physical examination. During Phoebe’s exam, it was obvious that her mouth was very painful. Even though it was uncomfortable, this sweet girl wanted nothing more than to be held and loved. During her dental cleaning, Dr Davis ordered digital dental x-rays to be taken. This showed us that under Pheobe’s gum the roots of some of her teeth were deteriorating! The best option for Pheobe was to extract the affected teeth. In fact, Dr. Davis extracted 9 teeth in total! Pheobe’s remaining teeth were hand and ultrasonically scaled and polished, and fluoride was also applied.

Julie taking dental x-rays.

Katie helping Dr. Davis.
Pheobe is now back at FCAC in Frederick, MD and waiting to find her forever home. Your generous support not only makes her a better candidate for adoption, but also has her feeling better! Thank you again for supporting the Kylie and Cricket Memorial Fund!

Tiffanie and Phoebe.

Megan and Phoebe.