The Kylie and Cricket Memorial Fund helped another local Frederick homeless animal... Everyone meet Mia!

Just before the holidays Mia, an adorable Maltese mix, was surrendered to Frederick County Animal Control (FCAC) as her family was going through some financial challenges and they were not able to best provide for her. Mia had already had more than one family and now found herself looking for another, but at 7 years old, she came with significantly diseased teeth and was unspayed. FCAC took her in and with the help of the Kingsbrook Animal Hospital’s Kylie and Cricket Memorial Fund, set to work to help get Mia fixed up and onto her forever home.
Mia found many friends at Kingsbrook Animal Hospital. While shy, she was a cooperative patient and gave lots of cuddles during her exam with veterinarian Dr. Cook. During her physical exam, it was clear that her mouth was very painful. To address this, Dr. Cook and his technician team went to surgery and got to work. After taking X-rays of each tooth, it was clear that all of Mia’s teeth were so significantly diseased that Dr. Cook recommending removing all of her teeth. This would allow her to have a pain free mouth. They then moved on to her spay getting her fully ready to search for her new home.

Mia continues to recover well in her foster home and is feeling much more comfortable. With her new clean bill of health, she is now ready for the day that she can truly say she is home with her forever family. Thanks to everyone who supports the Kylie and Cricket Memorial Fund and dogs like Mia who live in Frederick County.