Kingsbrook Animal Hospital announces the Flat KAH Project!
This summer, take KAH on the road and you could win!
It’s easy! Just pick your favorite KAH doctor, print them out (or pick them up at the clinic), and snap a picture during your next adventure. (They are small, compact, and stow easily in overhead compartments.) Post the picture on our Facebook page or email it to yourfriends@kingsbrookvet. com to be eligible to win prizes.
Prizes include $100 Amazon gift cards that will be awarded to the person who’s doctor travels the farthest and gets into the craziest situation/biggest adventure.
Also, for every picture that is received, Kingsbrook Animal Hospital will donate a dollar to the Kylie and Cricket Memorial Fund. That means the more who play, the more money we can raise for animals in need!

Flat Dr.s Cook and Davis visit Louisville, KY!

Flat Dr.s Cook and Cardella are off to the pool!
So, keep your eyes out for an adventure- take KAH on your vacation, to the park or the mall… use your imagination- the options are endless! Winners will be announced at the end of the summer. 🙂